The good news is have some forks in the fire and though can’t say here what they are I am excited and confident of what is to come next on my journey. Most of you got an email from me with more details. And I hope soon to be able to share it here. Stay tuned! In the mean time we will be staying in Maun, which I promise you will be an adventure in itself that you are sure to hear about.
It is with mixed emotions that I part with Moremi. We leave camp on wednesday the 26th of Aug, ironically it is exactly 6 months to the day that I left Toronto. I’ve learnt a lot while here about wildlife, photography, simplicity, myself, nature, the connectedness of man and animal and our senses, and the nature of people; near and far. I’ve cried hard in my healing process and laughed equally as hard. Initially it was difficult to process, I came here to this spot to be here in Moremi. That was what I came here for and now it’s changing, a possibility that never even entered my mind when I left. My dream came true, I came here to Moremi in Africa, to live no less. It became my home. So at first the news of leaving was difficult to deal with. But now I see clearly that it’s time to go. This chapter is over and I leave behind a lot of myself. Parts of myself that need to be left behind. I realize that no matter where I go, there I am, though each time a little changed, a little touched, a new piece added and some left behind.

It's all part of my journey which is a never ending crossover. I’ve gone where there is no path and am leaving a trail.
I am saying goodbye to Moremi, goodbye to this camp, goodbye to parts of myself.
Hello to the next step, the next adventure, the next chapter, and I hope I never get to the destination the journey is way too interesting.
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