This weekend my little sister will ride 200km in an effort to
raise money for cancer (CLICK ON THIS TO SPONSOR HER) I couldn't be more proud of her. As I sit here and think of her and what I would say to her as words of wisdom and encouragement it forced me to also reflect on my own journey and some of the experiences I have had leading to now. I went back to my notes about the tour for kids, and ironman. We do these things, I did these things and in the moment and at the time the experience and the journey through them was many things most of all growth and learning in my own personal being. As these events pass we/I tend to let it do just that, sit in the past. But it mustn't. We/I must remember those experiences, those accomplishments, the tears the pain and the joy, the personal growth and learning that came with it. The friends and the support of them and family. I realized that all those experiences have somehow led me to where I am today. To right here, to right now. They gave me the strength and confidence to do the next thing, and the next thing gave me the experience and the strength and the confidence to bring on the next big challenge. We/I mustn't forget the journey.

The last time I saw my father was at Ironman, and reading my post race account was emotional, remembering him cheering me on, and as I mentioned in his own tough fashion by shouting "hurry up and get those shoes on... RUN!". And it made me smile. My father and Donna at the finnish line, standing smiling and proud couldn't be a better last memory.
Ironically my good friend Karen sent a note yesterday reminding me of my fathers words of wisdom that I had once shared with her. That it's not about the race to the finish line. It's about the journey. And to live true journey. And she gave me (and my father) the biggest compliment. The passing on of my fathers wisdom to Karen and she told me she has never forgoten it. My father was able to touch others through me. And now I hope to pass this on to Jacqueline. My little sister (sorry Jacks I know you hate it when I call you that)

Jacqueline, I look forward to reading your account of this journey and life experience because as you know I believe in documenting life. And remember that what we believe we bring into being; by focusing on abundance rather than lack, what we need and want rather than life deficiencies. I believe there is an incredible power in the moment we call now. So now little one put down that tequila and ride on!!!!!!!! (unless of course this helps you then put some in your water bottles.)
Dear Jacqueline;
I can imagine how you might be feeling today. Excited, nervous, anxious, praying that the weather holds, to the tire gods for no flats. I know how you are feeling. What you are about to accomplish is amazing. A selfless adventure. Pushing your mental and physical limits to help others. You have sacrificed time with friends and family, time with Jason, precious sleep and your own precious time. The best advice I can give you was given to me by my father before ironman.
When you are out there, with the sun on your back and your adrenaline rushing with anticipation, nervousness and excitement. When your legs hurt and your mind is arguing with you to stop, or keep going. Remember the journey. Remember all you did to get to where you are. Remember how far you have come. Remind yourself that you are about to accomplish a personal best in the quest to help others. Remember the friends, the laughter and even the tears you've had along the way. Remember the first time you got on that bike and had to learn how to ride with clip pedals. Remember the fall you took and getting back on the bike. Remember the journey as you have lived it. It does not matter how or when or if you cross the finish line. All that matters is you live and lived true journey that is what you will remember. Remember that you are doing this because you can.

I will also pass on a note that my good friend Madelyn sent to me when I was feeling run down with training. I have kept his with me since then.
Anchor the following attitude deep within your heart: "I can achieve anything I set my mind to, no matter how much hard work it takes,no matter how difficult it is, no matter how long it takes. I can and will achieve it" Realize that difficulties are opportunities from which you can learn new insights that will strengthen your resolve and increase your knowledge.

I am so proud of you little one. You were there for me at the end of the tour for kids when I was in tears of joy and pain, you were there with hugs and pictures and kind words. I am sorry I can't be there for you. But know that as you sit in that saddle on my bike, the same bike that carried me that distance and carried my own sweat and tears that I am there with you in spirit, that I will be thinking about you all weekend and knowing that you will be awesome!
May the wind be at your back and the sun shine on your face.
I miss you much little one.....
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