So back in the office there is a conversation that goes something like this; starting with me saying to Graham:
"That hippo was pretty close to the fence hey, you don't suppose she would come through it?"
Graham: "Ya it's fine, it's highly unlikely that she will come near the fence, she will steer clear"
Penny: "really? she was very close, in fact rubbing against it"
Graham: "It's fine, relax"
And so it was. Not 5 min later I hear this same rustling, I get up with torch in hand again to look. And low and behold there she was; in our kitchen.
Penny: "Graham, there is a hippo in the kitchen!
To which Graham promptly steps out of the office.
Graham: "Where?" pointing his torch out away from camp into the open field
Penny: "In the kitchen Graham"
Graham, again pointing his torch away from camp
Graham "what? where"
To which I pointed my torch into the kitchen.
Graham: "Oh hey would you look at that"
So yes this is a gloat, as a Canadian living in the African bush there is rarely the opportunity to be right, and as Graham would say I somewhat exaggerate the proximity of the animals to me/us/the vehicle/the tent.
There was indeed a hippo in camp last night. A big female hippo. She had decided to walk through the fence and make her way in looking for grass. I will admit she was sweet. She seemed completely and utterly unaware that we were all standing there shining lights at her. She just went about her business eating grass unbothered by our presence. Quickly realizing that there really wasn't much to chomp on in camp she made her way out the other end and very gently walked over the fence.
Because it was evening we were unable to take pics.
As you've read in past posts, elephants often make their way through camp and it is always a humbling experience as we go about our business living in their home. Last night was another incredible moment and reminder of just how small we are here in Moremi. Living amongst the animals in harmony (without becoming one).
Usually it's the adaption of animals to humans. Here it is the adaption of humans to the animals (at least for me) And frankly I would rather live among the wild animals then some of the weird humans I've come across in the city. Personally speaking, I feel any game in the african bush that could be watching me or about to mess with my stuff is not so much a worry as the human one that one is all too likely to encounter in the city. (reference the moment I left the bush to the city I was robbed) It's not that there aren't plenty of healthy and wonderful people in the cities -- and these few may determine our survival as a species. However, a neglected aspect of survival is pristine nature and living the outdoors life. With hippos, elephants, lions.........
Whilst re-telling this story today I was reminded of a childhood song by a famous Canadian artist Anne Murrey, it's been in my head all day and it goes something like this:
"Hey Momma there's a dragon in the driveway, Daddy there's a lion on the lawn... and you better come quick because there's a hippo in the bathtub, and he's going down the drain oh no he's gone!"
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