However there is never a dull moment even with vehicle frustrations. After a day of Mopane bashing following the lions we headed to a place called paradise ponds in hopes they may come out of the Mopane on the other end of the scrub. It was lovely, beautiful lilies in a pond and an open space where we could get out of the vehicles for a bit and climb a tree, wade in the water with the lilies, (until Graham mentioned he felt a leech to which I promptly removed myself from the water), and nap beside the truck.

On the way back to camp one day I hung my foot out the edge of the truck to run my feet through the water in a crossing, and when I pulled my feet back in the truck the most beautiful tiny florescent green frog was on my foot! I'd fished a frog out of the water with my foot! absolutely amazing!

This morning, with both vehicles down we were forced to try to find something to film close to camp, if I haven't mentioned we film for a television station here in South Africa called Wild Touch, so it is imperative that we film something. So there we were thinking hmmm.... there is a lovely orb spider that is capturing the sun just right at the moment, when a massive herd of elephant started to pass right through camp and past the loo (thankfully no one was on it)..... perfect timing, a perfect morning, sipping coffee and watching elephant run past camp. Again, for that moment I felt extremely small in this world. The elephant remind me of this every time I place my eyes on them. We are here in their home, they are not in ours.

Mandi had asked about my senses here in the bush so I thought I would touch on that a bit as well. My senses seem to be amplified here. You quickly learn to listen intently for things like the lions calling, but also signs of warning so that you are aware of what is around you. The birds and squirrels will screech if there is a leopard or lion or snake around. When I go to the loo, or walk back to my tent, I have to listen, and look around me constantly as I go. My vision is getting better, you are constantly looking near and far so you use your eye muscles more. So yes you do become acutely aware of all that is around you, sounds, smells and a sight. It's wonderful, and adds to the sense of self awareness that is also growing in this environment, you are forced to tap into your intuition. I've noticed an increasing sense of connectedness with the environment around me, and to my point above a sort of relationship forming with nature.
We are heading into Maun to get supplies and parts for the vehicle. Hoping it will be less hectic than last time I will try to take some photos.
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