We are finally back from Maun and the vehicle is in fine form, at least for now mechanics is a prerequisite for the job. I will be posting a funny story soon on our trip this time round to Maun and what I learnt about mechanics in Botswana. I am always happy to be back from Maun, the 3+ hour drive is beautiful but when we drive into out “driveway” there is a sigh of relief to be home. I have been noticing a change in the landscape as of late. The rains are done and the sun has been shining daily. With this, the grass browns and dries out and the trees thin out. It is strange to see this change without also seeing the changing colors we are used to seeing in Canada. In any case it is starting to look more like the desert it is.
We headed out on monday to look for the lions as we do, however it’s been some time since we’ve heard them calling and we figure they are off in the depths of the Mapone, where Graham swears to never take his vehicle again, until of course next time.
We came across this
Leopard who we’ve seen once before and have nick named Buddha because of his lazy and large belly. It is difficult to spot Leopard this time of year because of the long grass and they move quickly with great agility and speed. He was up in a Leadwood tree having his breakfast, Impala a la carte. It was amazing to watch him balance with great skill on the branches of the tree, and watch him move so diligently and efficiently.
Penny, thank you for directing me over to your blog. All I can say is WoW! I hope that you have a strong telephoto lens on that camera of yours. The teeth on that leoopard are massive, but it appears that you are quite comfortable in and around the wild. I am slightly jealous of the adventure, and it leaves me wondering how family life would be in the camp :) Give up banking? Hmmmm