As I've mentioned, sometimes we get stuck, and sometimes Graham can not get us unstuck. The rains over the last 3 weeks have made for some challenging river crossings. After a stellar morning with the lions, we returned in the afternoon to see if they might get active again. We found them resting in the shade and there they remained until sunset. On route back to camp we managed to get our vehicle stuck in camp crossing. Unable to winch ourselves free, and realizing we had blown the clutch, we had no choice cut to walk back to camp. By now it was nearly dark so thankfully the walk was only about 1km. I hesitated and contemplated staying in the truck alone in the middle of the crossing, but than remembered the absolutely huge crocodile we had just seen and opted to join the boys. I must admit that a feeling of uncertainty and fear washed over me as we took the shortest route back to camp and marched quickly and with purpose. Graham and Nick picked up Brads truck and headed back to the crossing to retrieve Grahams truck. Within 5 minutes they returned, they had spotted a lioness on the road close to camp. I was in my tent getting stuff together to shower, and I hear Nick shout stay clothed and in your tent, and Graham shout, I'll come get you. With that I was walked into camp and we turned on the electric fence immediately, in which I stayed and listened carefully until I received a radio call to come and fetch the boys in the utility truck. They had now managed to get Brads truck stuck as well. At this point it was too dark and too dangerous to attempt removal, we decided to leave the trucks where they were and deal with them in the morning.

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