4 hours of by far the most amazing "road trip" of my life, my life that will be for at least the next year......I arrive "home". It's about 7:30 pm and I am greeted by my new work mates, friends, and family. Brad, the film director and his wife Andy. Their two kids Rio and Keita, 5 and 2 respectively are asleep and I will meet them in the morning. Franette, who is the kids nanny, our chef extraordinaire and all around camp go to. Frannette seems to know everything there is to know about well....everything, and clearly will take care of us all quite well, I would say the Den mother of sorts, she quickly makes sure I am all sorted. Nick, his wife Amanda and their son Anthony. Nick is Brads assistant for now, filling in for Jason who is on leave at the moment. His wife and son have come on holiday to visit. Also working in camp to help with dishes, laundry, tents, camp maintenance and everything else that one can imagine is Pricka and Letto.
I can only imagine the thoughts on their minds as this pasty white skinned Canadian girl arrives not only in Africa for the 1st time, but than plopped into the bush!
Above is a picture of my new condo in the Bush. Below are pics of the camp, my shower and it's incredible view. I think I will look forward to this shower daily! The camp is much more civil than I imagined it. The "office" and kitchen are protected by tooth floss thin electric fence to protect it from any game that might wish to make itself at home. Our sleeping tents, the loo and the shower are all free for the wild game to roam through. And they do, while taking these pictures a beautiful Giraffe pranced by with amazing grace.........

My Shower, we carry two big buckets one full with hot water heated on the fire, the other cold taken from the swamp behind us (where the hippo's live) fill the bag and hoist it up. It is incredible to stand naked in the open air, watching the sunset, water gently running over you, hearing the hippos laugh in the distance..... so wonderful, I feel absolutely grateful to have this opportunity to be out in nature, living under the open sky. Not for one moment could I possibly take my life for granted.

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