Before I left I heard all sorts of horror stories about the spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) yes I am learning the latin names of mammals here in the delta which I might add is nothing to our resident two year old Keita who knows them already and all the latin names of the trees... ahem.....anyway......did I mention she is two?
There were stories where they had pulled children out of tents and killed them. From camp fires etc. All cases caused by negligence I might add. Tents left open to feed or catch a glimpse of one does and will result in this sort of outcome. Don’t get me wrong, horrible situations but there are rules for a reason. Because of these stories I was somewhat turned off by the Hyena and thought of them as scraggily ugly scavengers to be thought poorly of and to be afraid of.

The Jackal (canis adustus) is another often spotted animal here. To compare to something familiar to those at home, they look much like a fox. One will often see them eating the jackal berries form a jackal berry tree.

And my most favorite and not seen nearly enough for my liking the wild dog (Lycaaon pictus) such a magnificent and beautiful animal. They are a pack hunting dog and live in numbers that often reach 20 or more dogs. Stunning to watch but unfortunately rarely seen and as they move fast on the hunt making them very difficult to follow.

I have also had the privilege to see a Caracal (Felis caracal) the african version of a Lynx, unable to take a picture as it was too

Just the other day, as well at last light (google pic) we saw a beautiful Serval (Felis serval). At first I thought it was a baby

They are all such beautiful animals Penny. I wish the doggies could live in an area where they could be kept out of danger and taken care of like here (sigh). The 2 cat images actually look like giant cats, they're amazing, and I love that the pretty Jackel eats berries :) what a good species!!! The hyena is pretty but those tales are freaking me out. It's just all about food ya? If all those animals over there (and everywhere else) just had proper food, they would stop hurting each other and other "things" they shouldn't hurt. It makes sense to me, but I don't have a good solution to that...yet. I'll get back to you after I do lots of thinking about it and try and find some Einstein types to help (haaheeeehoe ho?) mmmwwua!