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Jul 11, 2009

Congratulations David and Ari - a note on your wedding day

Kath read you the short version at the wedding, she has so many to read we had to shorten it! Here is the long version.

Ariane and David,

I hope that the sun found you first this morning.

You both have been such wonderful dear friends to me.

David, as Kaths dear friend, from the moment I met you, I felt that you immediately took on that brotherly protective role and I instatnly felt like family. When the going got tough and I needed to get out, and you knew my best friend, Kath was too far away, you stepped in and were there for me. In the beautiful Tweedie fashion that it is, I have always felt like family.

Ari, from the moment I met you, when we were all supposed to travel to Africa together (thank god that didn’t work out for me - could you imagine, you two falling in love with me on your tails! AWKWARD! ;-)) I fell in love with you. Your wit, your contagious laugh, and your unconditional and non-judgmental friendship was immediate. It led to many a glass of wine, and much laughter to tears, and long country-road bike rides, like life up some challenging hills. Being away from you, I miss your friendship a great deal.

I’ve had the privilege to watch you flourish as a couple. And, as a couple, you have been there for me together, supporting me, cheering me on and helping pick up the peices when required. Separately you are two special and remarkable people, together you are complete. I couldn’t think of two people better suited for each other.

I am sorry that I cannot be there, on this shiniest of days, but my heart laughs and smiles as I imagine the two of you walking down the aisle looking as beautiful and handsome as you ever will, taking an amazing step towards something good and true.

As you sit side by side through this roller coaster of life, remember to: scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loop-the-loops, and enjoy every twist and turn --for the ride is better because you share it together
I shall raise a glass here, as the sun sets, and toast you; two of the most beautiful people I know. I can’t wait to see you again as husband and wife, and maybe with a little one in a stroller????

Much love; Penny

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