You might wonder what we do for fun around here, there is no local waterhole so to speak, no dancin' to be had on bars (good thing I've outgrown that, though from what I keep hearing Graham hasn't and thus does so naked..... you can ask him about it) no wine with the girls to chat about what girls chat about.
Which I miss a great deal (shout out to my girls), poor Graham gets to hear about all my girly things, that I think he may almost be a girl now. Now for fear that I may be emasculating Graham please see the post about
Moremi and the art of vehicle maintenance, grease covered manly man banging on steel heated by man made hot fire hitting it hard with very very heavy hammer resulting in the steel bending.
Anyway, I had come to love that staying in was the new going out anyway. So I am good with all this. But every once in a while ya get the urge to just "go out".

We have a few places for such outings, one as you know is Dead Tree Island a favorite magical spot for full moons and sunsets. There is also the Baobab tree. Which might be my favorite. Equally as magical in a story book sort of way. African's
have a tradition called sundowners. You guessed it, drinks outside watching the sun set. It's brilliant and all should embrace this tradition! And so we may head "out" for sundowners from time to time.

The Baobab tree has inspired me, so much so to change the name of my blog to "At the Baobab Tree".... seems fitting.

Here are some pics of us at the tree, Grahams friend Mike came up to spend some time here with us and I insisted on pictures being taken with the timer, you know group shots, killing Graham and leaving Mike the urge to entice Graham to be silly in one said pic. Being as quick witted as I am, I picked up on the ploy of their shenanigans and joined in on que... the result the following pic laughing, and then in all seriousness....

I LOVE this!!!!