I went out for a short drive alone not to far from camp to a place called “gnupoo pan” called so because Andy had taken the kids there once and they were throwing poo at each other, gno poo, the poo of the wildebeest. I probably should have told you that after the fact, instead of prefacing this with it.....
Anyway I wanted to take in a solo sunset and I parked the vehicle next to a beautiful tree.

There were giraffe grazing by a small pool of water surveying their mirror image, and this beautiful lone mopane leaf itself watching the sunset.

Looking like an elegant lady with a full skirt, pointed toes, sharing the sunset with me. As the sun set, the light casting on the flower changed it’s image, like a chameleon it transformed from a beautiful elegant lady, to an eagle perched on a branch as if to adapt to it's new setting and fly off into the night.
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